January 20, 2011

Heat Up Dinner – a chili pepper journey

Heat Up is a free sit down dinner party for 12 guests to take place on February 4th, 2011 at 6:30 pm at the Collar Works gallery in Troy, NY, where the winter temperatures will be bellow freezing.

A 7 course meal featuring increasing levels of chili peppers will be served with
the goal of warming up the guests.

E-mail elmark20@yahoo.com with your name, e-mail and phone number on January 21 at noon EST to compete for one of the select slots. The sender of every third e-mail will be selected to be a dinner

The Heat Up Dinner is designed by artist Ellie Markovitch. She brings food
to non-traditional food places and uses food as a starting point of
dialogue and a way for people to share their stories.
